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Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science)


One-year full-time MSc degree
Two-year part-time MSc degree

The first clinical exercise scientist programme in Malaysia and the surrounding region!

Overview & Aim of the Programme

The objective of this Master program is in line with the vision of the Ministry of Health Malaysia to reduce the rate of non-communicable health issues using more innovative and effective approaches.

As a graduate of this postgraduate program, you will be prepared to work alongside other health practitioners in the prevention and management of chronic disease and conditions.

In addition, you will also be prepared to work with the sporting community such as fitness and sports rehabilitation.

Admission Requirements

BSc. in areas related to health sciences, physiotherapy, nutrition and dietetics, biomedical science and exercise and sport science

Programme Structure

  • Full time: 1 year (2+1 Semesters)
  • Part time: 2 years (4+1 Semesters)
  • Coursework program
  • Formal taught courses plus clinical practicum

Learning Method

Within one year, the student will be exposed to theoretical concepts as well as professional skills in practical situations

Program Education Outcomes (PEO)  

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) 

TCE 501 Pathophysiology of Non-Communicable Diseases (3 units)

At the end of this course, the candidates will be able:  

  1. To analyse and interpret the investigation results and suggest the appropriate management strategy based on diseases.  
  2. To present scientific information clearly and correctly on pathophysiology of diseases orally or in writing.  
  3. To demonstrate the ability of identifying and solving problems, as well as team work during case discussion. 
TCE 502 Nutrition in Health and Disease (3 units)

At the end of this course, candidates will be able:  

  1. To apply the prinicples of nutrition and dietetics to prevent and manage non-communicable diseases including obesity.  
  2. To conduct nutritional screening and evaluate the nutritional status of the normal and clinical populations.   
  3. To plan and calculate menus for healthy persons and in disease prevention and management.  
  4. To demonstrate teamwork in gathering scientific information on nutrition to prevent diseases and manage non-communicable diseases. 
TCE 504 Applied Exercise Physiology (3 units)

At the end of this course, the candidates will be able:  

  1. To apply knowledge in the science of exercise including various physiological systems of the human body and physiological responses during training.   
  2. Conduct a variety of tests related to exercise science using appropriate protocols and equipment.   
  3. Demonstrate leadership, to take actions and to influence others in order to achieve common goals. 
TCE 512 Research Method in Exercise and Health Sciences (3 units)

At the end of this course, the candidates will be able to:  

  1. Analyse appropriate scientific skills to be applied in research.  
  2. Demonstrate ethical attitudes and responsibilities in research.  
  3. Practicing digital skills in scientific presentation and data analysis.  
  4. Propose appropriate numerical method and quantitative statistical tests to be applied in research. 
TCE 514 Principles of Exercise Testing and Prescription (4 units)

At the end of this course, the candidates will be able:  

  1. To apply knowledge of the principles and importance of exercise testing and prescription.  
  2. To perform various exercise tests as an approach for healthy lifestyle promotion.  
  3. To critically evaluate an appropriate exercise testing protocols to a particular health condition.  
  4. To demonstrate an effective oral or written communication skills related to the principles of exercise testing and prescription. 
TCE 509 Health Psychology (3 units)

At the end of this course, candidates will be able:  

  1. To critically assess issues related to behavioral modification from a psychological and counseling perspective.  
  2. To work responsibly and effectively in groups.  
  3. To manage information on health behaviors using the online database. 
TCE 510 Therapeutic Exercise Methods For Musculoskeletal Conditions (3 units)

At the end of this course, the candidates will be able to;  

  1. To describe the mechanisms of recovery and healing related to musculoskeletal injuries.  
  2. To conduct a variety of tests related to therapuetic exercise using appropriate protocols and equipment.  
  3. To demonstrate communication skills to peers using technology in presentations on exercise therapy for musculoskeletal injuries.   
  4. To practice digital skills in presentation. 
TCE 513 Musculoskeletal and Cardiac Rehabilitation (3 units)

At the end of this practicum session, the candidates will be able to:  

  1. Applying the concepts in musculoskeletal and cardiac rehabilitation technique.  
  2. Critically analyze musculoskeletal and cardiac rehabilitation intervention program.  
  3. Present a clinical evaluation of musculoskeletal injuries using appropriate technology.  
  4. Portray good interpersonal skills with high ability to work collaboratively as part of a team undertaking a range of different team roles. 
TCE 515 Clinical Exercise Physiology (4 units)

At the end of this course, the candidates will be able:  

  1. To assess the potential of a physiological approach to the study of clinical and clinical studies.  
  2. To analyze health issues, health assessments and safety training for clinical population.  
  3. To present oral and written information on the physiology of clinical exercise effectively.  
  4. To demonstrate good interpersonal skills with the ability to work together as part of a team           that plays a variety of different team roles. 
TCE 516 Exercise Programming for Clinical Populations (3 units)

At the end of this course, the candidates will be able to:  

  1. Evaluate the importance of exercise prescription for clinical population.  
  2. Display the skillls of conducting practical session relating to exercise.  
  3. Critically analyze exercise programs that fit a specific clinical population. Crtically analyze exercsie programs that involves numerical skills that is appropraite to a specific group of clinical populations. 
TCE 517 Clinical Exercise Practicum (5 units)

At the end of this practicum session, the candidates will be able to:  

  1. Effectively convey ideas or learning outcomes whether written or oral.  
  2. Apply ethical principles and professional responsibilities in line with clinical practice.  
  3. Integrate information technology and manage learning information well.  
  4. Demonstrate leadership, to take actions and to influence others in order to achieve common goals. 

Curriculum Standards

Course Structure

The curriculum for the Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science) program is designed based on criteria set out by international accreditation bodies such as Exercise Sport Science Australia (ESSA) and American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Semester I

  • Pathophysiology of non-communicable diseases and obesity
  • Nutrition in health and disease
  • Applied psychology
  • Applied exercise physiology
  • Principles of exercise testing and prescription
  • Research Method in Exercise and Health Sciences
  • Principles of exercise testing and prescription

Semester II

  • Health psychology
  • Therapeutic exercise method for musculoskeletal conditions
  • Musculoskeletal and cardiac rehabilitation
  • Clinical exercise physiology
  • Exercise programming for clinical populations

Semester III

  • Clinical exercise practicum

Total units: 40

Graduated Students

First Batch

Second Batch

Micro-credentials Courses:

  1. Noorsuzana Mohd Shariff, Multivariable analysis: The Multiple Linear Regression,
  1. Hazwani Ahmad Yusof@Hanafi & Dr. Nurdiana Zainol Abidin, Module 1: Foundations To Exercise Physiology
  1. Hazwani Ahmad Yusof@Hanafi & Dr. Nurdiana Zainol Abidin, Module 5: Exercise Physiology for Special Population
  2. Hazwani Ahmad Yusof@Hanafi, Module 6: Exercise Genomics

Structured learning module:

  1. Hazwani Ahmad Yusof@Hanafi & Dr. Nurdiana Zainol Abidin, Exercise Physiology

  2. Hazwani Ahmad Yusof@Hanafi & Dr. Nurdiana Zainol Abidin, Exercise Physiology in Special Population

  3. Hazwani Ahmad Yusof@Hanafi, Exercise Genomics

Graduated Students

Postgraduate Taught Program: Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science)

Batch 2017/2018:
  1. Zaid Abd Halim
  2. Naim Faiz Ahmad Imran
  3. Adrina Stella Anne Agastion
  4. Metihira Raman
  5. Aqila Ayoub
  6. Siti Hawa Hashim
  7. Nur Syazwani Mohd Rodzhan
  8. Nurshafiqa Aqila Abd Wahab
Batch 2020/2021:
  1. Abdul Muhaimin Ahmad
  2. Izni Wahidah Yusoff
  3. Mohd Eiryandi Daud
  4. Mohd Khalil Azham Abu Bakar
  5. Muhammad Zulfadli Mohd Sobri
  6. Ng Woon Sih
Batch 2018/2019:
  1. Tan Shin Whei
  2. Wong Kok Ken
  3. Yaksotha Palaniappan
  4. Sarmilan Murugiah
  5. Nur Sufida Mansor
  6. Zafira Abd Hamid
  7. Chuah Poh Lean
  8. Amirah Anis Azize  
  9. Wan Nursyaza Sahira Wan Ghazali
  10. Woo Mun Chin
  11. Nabilah Rosney
  12. Siti Sarah Azlan
  13. Nur Azyan Syahirah Mohd Fuad
  14. Misslyn Anak Mabong
  15. Ong Shu Pei
Batch 2020/2021:
  1. Nur Arina Shahirah Sharudin
  2. Nur Shamimi Izzaty Ariffin
  3. Ooi Ke Li
  4. Siti Nor Syafiqah Noordin
  5. Siti Nurhanis Abdul Halim
  6. Syafiqah Husna Rusdi
Batch 2019/2020:
  1. Chong Miin Yi
  2. Dasataran A/L V Subramaniam
  3. Didora Lesti Apri Seliasa
  4. Ilham Fatria
  5. Imam Alimul
  6. Mohamad Hafiz Abu Seman
  7. Muhammad Mokhzani Ismail
  8. Ng Sin Sian
  9. Nur Atiqah Abd Karnain
  10. Nur Fatin Nabilah Md Zemberi
  11. Nur Haida Che Mat Ariffin
  12. Raja Shuzana Raja Jamaludin
  13. Ronnachai A/L Som Chai
  14. Teddy Lee Yi Yong
  15. Wan Muhammad Ihsan Wan Nawi
Batch 2020/2021:
  1. Tammy Pan Jia Yee
  2. Tang Fangyi
  3. Yao Zhihong
  4. Zhou Liping
  5. Zuraidah Deli

Postgraduate Research Program


Master, Research

  1. Siti Raifana Binti Roslan, The Influence of Natural Acclimatization amongst Malaysian Elite Cyclists on Eccrine Sweat Gland Function during Exercise
  2. Nurdiana Binti Haji Zainol Abidin, Physical Activity Levels Of Malay Older Adults Objectively-Measured Using A Triaxial Accelerometer And Its Associated Factors

Doctor of Philosophy, Research

  1. Hazwani Binti Ahmad Yusof @ Hanafi, The Effects of Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme (ACE) I/D and Alpha-Actinin-3 (ACTN3) R/X Gene Polymorphisms on Human Physical Performance and Health Within Malaysian Population

Master, Research

  1. Al-hafiz Bin Abu Bakar, , Master, Research - Full Time, Caloric Content has Greater Level of Brain Activation during Carbohydrate Mouth Rinsing

Doctor of Philosophy, Research

  1. Harris Kamal Bin Kamaruddin, The Effects of Carbohydrate Mouth Rinse on Endurance Running Performance, Physiological and Psychological Responses Under Varying Hydration Levels and Environmental Conditions, 2020

Master, Research

  1. Ros Amizah Binti Abdullah, 2020, The Effects of Hydrogen-Rich Water Ingestion on the Symptoms of Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage

Master, Research

  1. Norhaliza Binti Abd Hamid, The Relationship between Psychological Factors and Posttraumatic Growth among Head and Neck Cancer Patients
  2. Nur Amirah Binti Hamdan, Posttraumatic Growth and Psychosocial, Cancer and Treatment Related Factors in Head and Neck Cancer: Assessing Their Associations in a Cross-sectional Study

More Information / For Further Enquiries, Please Contact
Program coordinator:
Dr. Nurdiana Binti Haji Zainol Abidin
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Tel: +604-562 2398

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